Cultural differences: Business Do’s & Don’ts for Belgians in the Netherlands
This course is geared to Belgians who are professionally active in the Netherlands in various fields e.g. sales/marketing, human resources, project management.
How can Belgians be successful in the Dutch business culture which despite a common history is different and requires insight. This is exactly the aim of this training: how to stand as Belgian in the Netherlands? Which are the pitfalls? Which are the Belgian strengths? How to handle concret questions and issues? Specific attention to French speaking Belgians in Holland.
The theoretical backbone of the course is based on scientific research conducted by
Prof. Hofstede (Universiteit Maastricht). It is complemented with trainer Jan Jaeken’s longstanding experience. The course is highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to discuss their worries and issues which wil then be handled with during the course.
Belgian (Flemish or Walloon) who wants to set up successful busiiness in the Netherlands
In-company training
This training can be provided in Dutch, French, English or German